How to make any breakfast useful: a simple method revealed by a nutritionist

One of the most frequent consequences of the wrong breakfast is that it does not allow you to “make it” to lunch without a snack. This problem can be solved with just one change: add some protein. Protein will provide a feeling of satiety for a long time, but to get the maximum benefit from it, you need to know what to cook.

Doctor-nutritionist Lauren Manaker said that eggs can be one of the best protein products for breakfast. “This is a classic morning product for a simple reason: eggs are an economical and nutritious choice that will provide the body with useful substances right from the morning,” she explained.

One egg contains approximately 70 calories, various vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, as many as 6 grams of protein, as well as choline, which is important for brain health.

Moreover, “eggs provide energy and a feeling of satiety for a long time,” said Manaker. In particular, one study found that those who ate eggs for breakfast consumed about 300 fewer calories at dinner than those who ate cereal in the morning. In addition, egg lovers did not feel hungry even four hours after eating.

According to Manaker, the ideal breakfast is an omelet with two eggs, sautéed vegetables and cheese. She advised finishing the morning meal with whole grain toast, which will provide the body with fiber and healthy carbohydrates, a cup of green tea, rich in antioxidants, and half a grapefruit, which is rich in vitamin C and folic acid.

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Author: alex

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