How to make black currant raisins: healthy delicacies for the winter
Aronia is unfairly ignored by many people. Even summer residents often have it on their plot, but do nothing with it. Aronia is a very useful berry for health, helping to strengthen immunity, normalize blood cholesterol and sugar levels. Black rowan has many advantages, but not everyone likes the taste. It is sweet and at the same time rather tart. Try to prepare black currant raisins as an original addition to baked goods, compotes, and delicacies. You will definitely change your opinion about it.
A classic recipe without an oven
It is simple and quick. You will need clean and sorted berries. Please note that dry, damaged specimens must be taken away. If there are red berries (fully or partially), they must also be excluded from the total mass. After drying, they can give an unpleasant bitter taste. So, for the recipe you will need:
- 1.5 kg of black rowan berries;
- 20 g of citric acid ;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 0.5 l of plain water.
How to prepare raisins
To start with berries, you need wash under running water and let excess water drain. At the next stage, the syrup is boiled. Take a large container so that you can put the berries in it later.
You need water and sugar for the syrup. The mixture is heated on fire until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Then citric acid is added to it. The syrup should boil, after which the rowan berries are laid. Berries should be boiled over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring them carefully. After boiling, the syrup is drained. It turns out very fragrant. It can be used in the preparation of desserts.
At the next stage, the rowan is spread in a thin layer and allowed to dry. The warmer the room, the faster the raisins will be ready. It usually takes 1 to 3 days.
With this recipe, black currant raisins are sweet and very tasty. Try to cook. You will be amazed how simple and useful it is.
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