How to make cloudy broth clear
It is undesirable to use cloudy broth when preparing aspic or jellied meat: the appearance of such a dish will not be very pleasant. And some soups made with opaque broth also look unappetizing.
You can clear a liquid dish if you use some kind of absorbent. This is the name given to components that will absorb excess particles. At the same time, any cook will have a question: “What product can act as this lifesaver.”
What to throw into the pan
The raw egg white can collect all the smallest particles of solid matter. Two egg whites are enough for three liters of broth.
Instead of this product, you can use another egg component – mashed eggshell.
These products cannot be thrown into boiling broth. The egg white or eggshell should be in the dish at the moment when it has cooled down a little.
As soon as the necessary components are added, the fire can be turned on again.
As a result of bringing the liquid to a boil again, the absorbent will collect all excess impurities. All that remains is to remove them with a slotted spoon.
Following this recommendation will allow you to prepare a clear broth that will retain its bright taste.
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