How to make delicious potato patties from dinner leftovers
Leftover mashed potatoes the next day are not so appetizing.
Experienced housewives know what to do in such a situation, and often prepare mashed potatoes with a reserve to use later for potato pies.
For preparation you will need:
- 300 g of potatoes;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tsp. l. salt;
- 1 tsp. dry yeast;
- 1 tsp. sugar;
- green onions to taste;
- 500 g flour.
How to cook
If you don't have mashed potatoes, make some. After boiling the potatoes, do not drain all the water – leave 200 ml for the dough.
After preparing the puree, beat the egg, salt, mix and add water.
Then add the yeast and sugar, mix.
Then add the flour and knead a thick and elastic dough.
Green onions can be added to the dough, or you can use it as a filling by mixing it with a boiled egg or mushrooms.
Form the patties, leave to rest for 5-10 minutes and fry in a pan with oil.
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