How to make delicious puff pastry julienne
We share an interesting recipe for julienne on puff pastry. It is very easy to prepare and can be eaten in an instant. Read, cook and enjoy.
500 g of puff pastry
400 g of mushrooms
1 onion
150 g of sour cream
1 tbsp. flour
150 g of cheese
30 g of butter
1 tbsp. l. of olive oil
salt spices and herbs to taste
yolk + 1 tbsp. l. of milk (for greasing)
Fry the finely chopped onion in a frying pan with oil until translucent. Then add the chopped mushrooms and spices and fry for 5 minutes, stirring. Add sour cream, salt, mix and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.
Place the puff pastry on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Make cuts in the pastry, stepping back 1 centimeter from the edge and form the sides. Put half of the grated cheese inside, mushrooms on top and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, and bake for 40 minutes. Enjoy!
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