How to make delicious sea buckthorn jam for the winter
Sea buckthorn is one of the most useful foods .
Thanks to their rich chemical composition, berries are increasingly popular among supporters of healthy eating. Sea buckthorn oil is a medicine that is also used in cosmetology.
In ancient Greece, the berry was used to treat soldiers and horses. Exhausted horses were fed sea buckthorn for a while, as a result of which they regained strength and a healthy appearance. The plant was called “shiny horse”.
Sea buckthorn is a useful and tasty berry. You can make a jam from it, which will not only attract children, but also adults.
Amber jam
You will need only two ingredients for this jam – sea buckthorn berries and sugar in equal quantities.
Berries and sugar are placed in a cooking container, brought to a boil and cooked over medium heat for 15 minutes. While the berries have not released their juice and the sugar has not melted, you need to constantly stir the contents of the pan so that the jam does not burn.
After 15 minutes of cooking, the berries will become soft. They must be pureed with a blender, and then the resulting puree must be rubbed through a sieve to separate the bones and pieces of skin.
The pureed homogeneous mass should be brought to a boil again and cooked on low heat for 20-30 minutes so that excess liquid evaporates. During this time, you can sterilize the jars and lids.
Pour the hot jam into jars and roll them up.
Honey-nut sea buckthorn
This jam is suitable not only for fans of sweets, but also for those who do not use sugar.
Berries should be crushed with a blender and rubbed through a sieve. Roast the walnut kernels and chop with a knife into medium-sized pieces. Add to the berry puree and put on medium heat.
While the puree is heating, you need to mix a packet of pectin with a small amount of sugar or sugar substitute so that it is evenly distributed when pouring into the jam. When the puree on the stove heats up to such a state that steam begins to rise, you should slowly pour in the pectin, constantly stirring the mass.
The jam is brought to a boil with constant stirring, then it is turned off and remains until it cools down to room temperature . Then you need to add honey to taste, mix, pour into sterile jars and roll up. Store in a cold place.
The plus of this dessert is that everyone individually selects the dosage of ingredients according to their tastes.
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