How to make dumplings “juicier” and tastier
Many potato fans wonder what the secret is to making truly delicious and mouth-watering potato pancakes that will “sweep” off the plate in minutes. There are 5 rules, following which will allow you to make perfect potato pancakes.
Choosing potatoes
It all depends on what kind of potato pancakes you need. If lush, juicy and tender – yellow varieties with a high starch content, with dense fleshy tubers.
If thin and crispy – with a low starch content, juicy white varieties that “crunch” when cut.
Blender, meat grinder or grater
A blender is the least suitable for this task. Usually, either a meat grinder or a grater is chosen. At high speed, the blender breaks down starch molecules. That is why the mashed potatoes are not so tasty.
Potato juice
Not only is the juice removed, but varieties that give less of it are also used. The longer the base stands, the more juice is released, so chefs recommend frying as quickly as possible, for example, using two frying pans.
This ingredient takes away the density and hardness, the magical lightness, tenderness, and light crunchiness – in short, many of the things that make the dumplings so popular.
But the dumplings don't like high heat. They burn and become hard because of it. A weak flame is also undesirable, so they choose something between high and low heat.
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