How to make fertilizers for a garden with egg shell


To make the soil fertile, to increase the yield-the main desire of each gardener. That is why there are always various fertilizers in the arsenal. One of the organic sources is egg shell. Do not rush to throw it away. It has a high calcium content, and it is needed for many garden and garden crops.Calcium carbonate is 90% of the shell. The substance is especially valuable for young plants and greens. When added to the soil, there is also a useful effect. It becomes alkaline. When you need to neutralize the acidity, try adding an egg shell of 500 g per square meter of area. It is also a great tool for loosening soil. This increases its nutritional value. The shell should be ground. The substance is fully decomposed for two years. 90% of its composition of calcium carbonate, but the other 10% add nutrients. This small part contains 27 elements: silicon, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc, iron, etc.It is recommended to add crushed shell to the holes during seedlings. Dosage – 0,5 tsp. On one plant. The procedure can also be repeated after the autumn harvest. But only at the stage of young plants. The infusion is prepared as follows. 50 g of shells are added to 1 liter of boiling water. It should be infused for a week. When ready, diluted with plain water in a ratio of 1: 3 and watered the plants. If you have decorative annual flowers on the site, also pour them once a week.

the benefit of the egg shell for the garden is undeniable. So don't throw it away. Remove the film and protein residues from the middle, then leave the material in the dry place to dry. You can store finished material in packages or sealed containers.

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Author: alex

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