How to make “fluffy” pancakes on kefir

Pancakes are a popular dish that housewives often serve for breakfast or as a snack. The main advantage of this treat is that it can be easily combined with various fruits, berries or sauces. But not every novice cook is able to cook lush and tender pancakes right away. Here you need to follow some rules.

How to cook pancakes

All components for the dough should be at room temperature. To do this, you only need to take them out of the refrigerator half an hour or an hour before cooking.

Next, you need to mix the eggs, salt, and sugar. As soon as the texture is uniform, you need to add the flour and soda.

Lastly, add the kefir. This should be done slowly so that you have time to stir the dough periodically.

The resulting mass should be infused before frying. It is advisable to leave the dough for half an hour.

After that, there is no need to stir anything, you can immediately start frying. It is important that the pan is already preheated.

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Author: alex

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