How to make mannik taste more interesting: interesting ideas

Mannik is a delicious pie with a special taste and a pleasant texture Many housewives often prepare it for the whole family. Such a cake is difficult to spoil, so it works even for novice housewives.


However, if you cook it often, it will eventually get boring, tired and not so desirable. If you want to add variety to the usual recipe, then you should take note of the following ideas:

  1. Dried fruits go well with mannik. Raisins are most often recommended, as they have a neutral and pleasant taste. First, you need to wash them with water, then soak them in boiling water. Then dry it before adding it to the dough.
  2. Also, ordinary apples, which should be prepared in the same way as for classic charlotte, will be a great addition. Apples are used to create a layer of filling.
  3. If you want to give mannik an unusual yellow color, you should add a little turmeric to the dough. In addition, it has a significant list of useful properties.
  4. For lovers of a spicy taste, it is worth considering the option with ground ginger root. This spice will help create a special “cozy” mood.
  5. If you want to make mannik useful, you can sprinkle it with chia seeds on top.

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Author: alex

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