How to make pickles crispy
One free ingredient will make pickled cucumbers tastier and crispier. The trick was used several decades ago. Over time, the method was forgotten, but recently it has been gaining popularity again.
Not all housewives know that how crispy pickled cucumbers will turn out depends on certain ingredients.
Soviet chefs knew that oak leaves would make the vegetable crispier. For example, 20 leaves were used for 6 kg of cucumbers.
As a bonus, oak leaves give cucumbers a tart aroma and taste. With their help, pickled vegetables are stored longer.
After cooking, you can try a delicious dish in about 30 days. During this time, the cucumbers will reach the desired condition, and the oak leaves will reveal their best qualities.
Some housewives add other ingredients: cherry leaves, currant leaves, mustard seeds and even a little vodka.
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