How to make pickles even tastier: a little trick with potatoes

What ingredients can be called the main ones in pickles? First of all, I want to mention pickles and brine, which is quite fair, because it is these components that give the soup a unique spicy taste.

However, potatoes are also important. Correct preliminary processing of vegetables is a guarantee of obtaining an incredibly appetizing and rich pickle.

How to properly cut potatoes for pickle

Many amateur cooks cut the potatoes too finely and immediately send the cubes to the pot with broth , which is being prepared.

The result is a dish in which the bright potato taste is almost absent.

Would you like the pickle to still be aromatic and rich? Cut the peeled potatoes coarsely: with a fairly large cube or even half slices.

Before sending the potatoes to the broth, you need to put them in a heated pan, greased with oil for a short time. The result will be an ingredient that will make the soup even more appetizing and filling. Try it and see for yourself!

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Author: alex

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