How to make pumpkin and apple puree for storage

It's no secret that pumpkin is a very healthy vegetable. In addition to casseroles and porridges, you can also make delicious puree from it by adding apples.


To prepare it, take the same amount of apples and pumpkin. Peel them, cut them into pieces.

First, boil the pumpkin in a small amount of water, remove it, and bring the apples to a boil in the same water. While hot, rub through a sieve or blend.

Mix everything and, if you like it sweet, add sugar. But you can do without it. Bring to a boil and pack into jars.

If you want to prepare for the winter, put it hot into sterilized jars and screw on metal lids.

And if you are going to eat it right away, cool the jars with the puree, and then close them with regular lids. Store such puree in the refrigerator.

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Author: alex

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