How to make strawberry jam in 5 minutes

Berries, unlike vegetables and tomatoes in particular, do not become more useful from the duration of heat treatment. This means that the longer you cook strawberry jam, the less beneficial it will be for your health. There is no harm, of course, either, but the body needs vitamins more in winter.

We will tell you how to cook strawberry jam in just 5 minutes, without taking into account the preparation of the berries.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh strawberries;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.

How to cook

The jam can be called perfect if the berries remain intact after cooking.

So, the berries need to be washed, the leaves, tails and places that are starting to spoil should be removed.

Dry the berries on a napkin, and then put them in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. The secret is that the berries and sugar are laid out in layers.

The last layer should be made of sugar.

At this stage, the preparation is complete and you can leave the strawberries in this form for 8-10 hours.

Then put the saucepan with the strawberries on the fire, bring to a boil and cook until foam forms and turn off the stove.

After 12 hours, bring the jam to a boil, cool and pour into jars.

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Author: alex

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