How to make sure that the berries in the charlotte do not sink

Charlotte is a favorite of many apples But it is not necessary to use only apples for it. You can choose different ingredients as a filling. Popular recipes for this pie using a variety of berries.


Not every housewife can boast that such a pastry turns out perfect. Often the berries simply settle and clump together.

You can save the situation if you simply turn the dessert over. But in this case, the result is not the most appetizing dessert, which has to be smeared with cream.

You can make the dish really not only tasty, but also beautiful while preparing the dough.
Cooks use only one trick.

Only one additional spoonful of flour should be added to the classic charlotte recipe.

After that, fresh berries are poured on top of the dough, and then you can send your pastry to the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

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Author: alex

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