How to make the “perfect” meatball gravy in just 10 minutes

Many housewives have forgotten how to make a delicious sauce for meat dishes, replacing a homemade product with a purchased one. However, there is nothing tastier than a traditional gravy that has managed to “fall in love” with millions of people in school cafeterias. Such a sauce turns out to be balanced and tasty.

The main difficulty lies in the correct consistency of the gravy. Also, some housewives do not want to spend too much time preparing the sauce. In this case, you should try to prepare the gravy for cutlets in just 10 minutes.

How to do it

First, you should heat a frying pan without oil. Then fry four tablespoons of flour. In the meantime, you need to melt about 40 g of butter in a water bath.

When the flour resembles coffee in color, you need to add melted butter and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. It is important to stir the sauce so that no lumps appear.

Next, add a couple of spoons of tomato paste, mix again.

Pour in 3-4 cups of broth, add spices and salt if desired.

It will take about 8 minutes to cook. When the gravy reaches the desired consistency, you can turn off the stove.

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Author: alex

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