How to make vegetable milk from almonds yourself: a zero-waste recipe
Many people believe that the healthiest drink is the one they have prepared themselves.
Although plant-based milk can be bought ready-made, there are many recipes for making it at home.
For example, almond milk can be prepared in this way.
First you need to take raw nuts and wash them, then pour water over the almonds and leave to infuse for several hours (minimum 4), preferably overnight.
After that, you need to pour boiling water over the soaked kernels to facilitate the process of removing the skin.
Transfer the cleaned kernels into a blender, fill them with water in a percentage ratio of 1:1 and grind to a homogeneous mass. In the process of grinding, make sure that the mass does not heat up.
It remains to add another 2 parts of water and work with the blender for about 30 seconds, no less.
Strain the mass through a multi-layer cheesecloth or pass it through a french press – press with a fine mesh.
The almond milk is ready, and the cake can be used to make candies from it or add it to baked goods.
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