How to plant gladiolus correctly: florists shared their tips
Gladioluses are flowers that can decorate with their any flower bed with multi-colored arrows. But this is subject to proper planting and care.
If you collected gladiolus bulbs yourself, then at the beginning of May you should pick them, clean them of old scales, inspect them for damage or damage diseases did not get into the flower garden. If the onion is only slightly damaged, then this place can be cleaned with a knife and planted like others. And if it is very damaged or rotten, then it is not suitable for planting, it must be thrown away.
The next step is to disinfect the planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate or in garlic infusion (per 1 liter of water – 30 g of ground garlic). In 2-3 hours, bacteria and fungi will disappear.
Now you need to sprout onions. You don't need to do anything specifically for this, it's enough to put the bulbs in a dark, warm place.
Gladioli should be planted in warm soil (when the earth warms up by 10-12 degrees), but if there is no threat of frost, because their plants will not survive. Holes for flowers should be made 10-15 cm deep, and 20 cm between the holes. And don't forget that gladioli love sunny places. They grow poorly in the shade and hardly bloom.
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