How to plant tomatoes before winter without seeds and without seedlings
Incredible news for everyone who wants to grow tomatoes in a somewhat lazy way. This really does exist and you don't have to do anything special. You can also plant them before winter.
The secret way to plant tomatoes
Okay, not such a secret way. Many people have already talked about it. The essence of the lazy way is to use varietal and very ripe tomatoes. Choose the ones that are tastiest and most appealing to you.
Make a hole in the bed where you will plant. A depth of 15-20 cm will be enough. Place a ripe tomato there. Yes, a whole fruit. No need to cut it. Cover it with soil.
The planting site should be protected from above with a layer of mulch. To do this, lay fallen leaves or compost on top. To protect the planting site from snow, then place a mesh box on top.
All that remains is to wait for spring to come. And then you can remove the box and mulch. This should be done when the soil warms up.
Sprouts will grow from the hole. They must be protected from frost. When they get stronger, transplant them. Plants grown in this way are much stronger and more hardened.
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