How to predict sudden death by looking at the eyes: research

It turns out that by the size of the pupil you can notice the prerequisites of rapid death of a person suffering from cardiovascular diseases. This is stated in the scientific work.

Researchers observed a group of subjects who were divided into groups according to an unusual feature: the size of the pupils. In the first group there were patients with small pupils, in the second – with large ones. The subjects were observed for two years.

The authors of the work claim that owners of small pupils (recall, these people suffered from heart failure) died twice as often as those with large pupils. And people from the first group were re-hospitalized with a 50 percent probability, while patients from the second group were hospitalized 28 percent of the time.

– Observations showed that measuring the pupil can be a new non-invasive method of assessment the condition of patients with heart failure, the work says.

As previously reported, in some cases, the presence of diabetes can be determined by the face. One of the manifestations of the side effect of the disease is paralysis of the facial nerve, which affects only one side of the face. This disorder is characterized by a weakening of facial muscles – a person cannot normally close an eye or smile. There are other signs: a drooping eyelid or the corner of the mouth, smoothing of the nasolabial fold, the inability to pull out the lips and strongly wrinkle the forehead.

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Author: alex

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