How to prepare a useful delicious “green pizza”
Green Pizza can be a great alternative in the season of various greens.
it is delicious and useful, but most importantly – it is unusual that, according to nutritionists, it is important for fans of healthy eating. Such an original way to prepare pizza will be interesting for the children's menu, especially if the baby does not eat herbs, this is a great opportunity to hide many vitamins in the dough. We tell you how to cook green dough.
you need:
- green peas – 1 cup;
- spinach – 250 gr;
- garlic – to taste;
- oatmeal flour – 150 gr and corn – 30 gr;
- Egg – 1 pc;
- vegetable oil – 0.5 tbsp. l;
- vinegar (apple) – 0.5 tbsp. l;
- Green onions (for prison)
- Salt, dried herbs to taste.
- You can take canned peas, but better fresh, which is now enough. Fresh peas need to be boiled.
- spinach should be slightly roasted on a frying pan until soft, cool, drain excess water and, together with peas and dill, break a blender until smooth.
- then you need to add egg, flour, crushed garlic, oil, vinegar, salt and spices.
- heat the oven to 200 degrees, cover the leaf parchment and bake the cake until cooked. Ingredients. We bake another 10 minutes and green pizza will be ready.
<. l> dill – 50 gr;
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