How to prepare coniferous plants in the garden for winter
Coniferous plants also need attention and care in the autumn period. It is necessary to prepare them so that they can survive the winter and bad weather.
How to help the plants
First of all, top dressing is applied before the end of September. Potassium and phosphorus are important during this period. It should be noted that this is relevant not only for conifers. Potassium and phosphorus are generally accepted standards for feeding the garden.
Note that plants do not need nitrogen in the fall. Therefore, its share in the composition of fertilizers should be minimal. Choose complex mixtures for autumn feeding.
Coniferous plants can also be fed with monopotassium phosphate in autumn. It is dissolved in the proportion of 1 tbsp. per 10 liters of water. Important: it is not necessary to add organic fertilizers. They are harmful to conifers.
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