How to prepare the most useful tea, the expert told

It is known that tea is good for the body, especially , if used regularly. Research shows that with the help of the drink you can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and even strengthen bones. Scientists claim that the whole point lies in the large amount of antioxidants in tea, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

“Real teas” such as black, green, oolong, or white are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Beverages that many call herbal teas, such as chamomile or rooibos, are actually infusions. Classic types of tea differ from each other in the way they are processed: black teas are fermented several hours before being twisted and dried, which makes their color more saturated, while white and green teas are steam-processed.

Regardless of the variety, experts recommend consuming the drink freshly prepared to get the full benefit of flavonoids. Lovers of cold tea can add a little lemon juice to it, which helps preserve its antioxidant properties. According to expert Chris Cason, when preparing tea, you should follow a few simple rules that will help you make the drink as useful as possible.

Type of tea

First of all he advised buying loose tea and abandoning tea bags. “Tea leaves need space to develop their flavor,” Cason explained.


It is also worth paying attention to the water in which the tea leaves are brewed. It is best to use spring or filtered water for drinking, which contains the ideal amount of minerals, writes EatingWell. At the same time, mineral water can provoke an unpleasant smell of tea when in contact with its compounds, and distilled water produces a drink with a flat taste, added Cason.

Also, you should not forget about the temperature of the water. For example, black, oolong or herbal can be brewed with freshly boiled water, and green or white – at a temperature of 70-80°C.

The ideal amount

< p>Cason advised using 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of tea per cup if it has larger leaves, and one teaspoon for teas with denser, more compact leaves.

Brew Time

According to the expert, the drink should be infused long enough for the aroma to appear, but not so long that it is dominated by tannins and other bitter-tasting compounds. As a general rule, black tea and darker oolongs should be brewed for 3 to 5 minutes, while green, white and lighter oolongs should be brewed for 3 minutes at most, Cason said.

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Author: alex

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