How to prepare vegetables for the winter: nutritionist's advice
Canning vegetables using salt may turn them on a rather harmful product. This is the opinion of Mykhailo Ginzburg, doctor of medical sciences, nutritionist.
The optimal way to prepare vegetables for the winter is freezing. “In this case, at least nothing harmful appears in the composition of the final product,” Ginzburg is sure. Fresh vegetables contain many useful elements for the human body.
However, harvesting them for the winter can lead to the appearance of products that negatively affect life expectancy. First of all, this is due to the use of salt as a preservative. Its excess can lead to the development of hypertension, Ginsburg said.
According to the nutritionist, the exception to the rule is sauerkraut and kegs. This is due to the fact that bifido and lactobacilli appear during their preparation.
But due to the increased content of sodium chloride, even these dishes cannot be called healthy. Healthy food products do not appear as a result of preservation with the help of salt, Ginsburg believes.
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