How to preserve youth: 7 mistakes in nutrition that accelerate aging

Everyone dreams of keeping their youth and health as long as possible. In order to look good and feel better, scientists recommend paying attention to what is on your plate every day. Food can help or, on the contrary, harm health, especially affecting middle-aged and older people. Nutritionists talk about the most common mistakes in nutrition that can accelerate the aging process.

Too much sodium

Much of the sodium is found in processed packaged foods and in food served in restaurants and cafes, notes the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Excess sodium in the body can cause hypertension and increase the risk of heart disease. 2300 milligrams of sodium per day is recommended. In order not to exceed the dose, you need to eat out less and pay attention to the information on the product labels. If you have to eat a product with a high sodium content, it is better to combine it with those that contain potassium. For example, bananas, sweet potatoes and spinach can neutralize sodium.

Avoid all fats

Fats are needed to support cell growth, protect organs, and help absorb certain nutrients. It is better to limit saturated fats, which increase the level of bad cholesterol, but completely eliminating fats is not recommended. According to the Cleveland Clinic, eating a diet rich in omega-3s can reduce the risk of cognitive problems, some types of cancer, and eye disease. The best sources of these fats include salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds and sardines.

Excess sugar

Hidden sugar is found in many products, from cookies to ketchup. Too much sugar in the diet increases blood pressure, increases the risk of diabetes, heart attack and the development of fatty liver disease. Various diseases prematurely wear out the body, which is reflected not only internally, but also externally.

Protein deficiency in the diet

After 30, according to research, a person begins to lose up to 5% of muscle within 10 years. This can lead to more weakness and less mobility. Moreover, sometimes with age, the body's ability to break down and synthesize protein decreases, which means that even more protein may be needed for the body's needs. This element increases work capacity and physical activity in elderly men, the Livestrong portal reports.

Deficiency of fiber

A normal level of fiber in the body helps the gastrointestinal tract to function well. , supporting healthy bacteria and preventing the accumulation of toxins that can lead to cancer. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, fiber is also necessary for heart health.

Saving fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have many benefits. and nutritional qualities necessary for the health of the body. Their deficiency is associated with the risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Vegetables and fruits have anti-inflammatory properties, contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Alcohol abuse

A large amount of strong drinks enhances the aging process. This contributes to the development of cancer, damage to the liver, the immune system, memory loss, the development of hypertension, heart disease and many other dangerous conditions.

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Author: alex

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