How to prevent wrinkles under the eyes
The first wrinkles under the eyes appear in 20-year-olds. This process is easily explained by the loss of collagen, due to which skin cells lose their ability to renew. Active facial expressions also play a role. However, you should not panic about what to do next. It is best to act right now.
Start using retinol
Let's get straight to the point, without further digressions. Many dermatologists agree that retinol is the single most effective anti-wrinkle ingredient. Retinol itself is a derivative of vitamin A, it stimulates the metabolism of skin cells and the production of collagen, which will make the skin smooth and elastic again. The arithmetic is simple: the more collagen, the fewer wrinkles.
Balanced products with retinol have a number of undeniable benefits, including renewing the texture of the skin, after which it will acquire a smoother and more even tone. Add a product with retinol to your care regimen and the changes won't take long.
Take care of adequate hydration
Don't forget about moisturizing the skin around your eyes. The best products are those that contain not only retinol, but also hyaluronic acid, vitamins E and C, as well as peptides. It is thanks to peptides that skin cells will begin to produce more collagen, which means that our goal will be closer.
Don't forget about oils
Dry and dehydrated skin is especially vulnerable and prone to wrinkles, so just one moisturizer may not be enough. Experts recommend that you apply oil, such as argan oil, to enhance the effect after the cream, which will help retain moisture. Oil and hydration are the keys to preventing wrinkles, and in the morning after such an evening ritual, your skin will look radiant and supple.
Don't leave home without SPF products
Prevention is the best treatment. Cosmetics with SPF will help prevent wrinkles and collagen loss. Don't be left without sunglasses in bright sunlight, as the skin around your eyes needs additional protection from ultraviolet rays.
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