How to probably recognize in yourself or native Alzheimer's disease
In addition to memory disruption, testify to the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
This is a disease that has not yet been found, is characterized by memory loss, skills to navigate space and skills to care for yourself. The disease has been known for over a hundred years.
The first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease may be different in different people, researchers note. For example, the problem of selecting the right words, vision problems and space orientation, violations in the ability to make decisions and think logically.
The main risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is still considered age. Today, about a third of people who have reached the age of 85 can have this disease. In the US alone, it is diagnosed with 5.5 million people over 65 years of age. And the predominance of the number of patients in developed countries is associated with an increase in the proportion of the elderly.
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