How to propagate a rose by budding: step-by-step instructions

Roses are one of the most popular flowers on the planet. But growing new plants can be a complicated process.

One way to propagate roses is budding, which allows you to create exact copies of the parent rose.


What is inoculation

Budding is a method where you take a branch of the rose you want to propagate (called “stock material”) and join it to another rose branch (called a “rootstock”). As a result, the rootstock plant supports and provides nourishment for the baby plant. In the end, you get a new rose that is an exact copy of your scion.

What you will need

  • Variety material (choose a healthy and undamaged branch with a diameter about 6 mm and 10-15 cm long).
  • Root (choose a healthy, well-developed rose branch).
  • A sharp knife or secateurs.
  • Pieces films.
  • Rubber bands.

Preparation of rootstock

Select a healthy, well-developed pink branch and cut it so that you have a section about 10 cm long. Make a diagonal cut at the top at a 45-degree angle to create a groove. Then make a second horizontal cut about 1 cm from the first. You should get a groove where there will be a place to insert the grade material.

Preparation of the grade material

Choose a healthy and undamaged branch with a diameter of about 6 mm and a length of 10-15 cm. From the top, at a height of about 2.5 cm from the end of the branch, make one horizontal cut to create a wedge shape. Then make another cut at the same point.


Insert the end of the wedge of grade material into the groove on the rootstock and make sure it is firmly and firmly seated . Then wrap the joint with a rubber band to secure the branch and protect it.

Care for the new rose

After budding, remove the film you used to cover the area with unity The new rose will begin to grow within a few weeks.

During this period, regularly check that the junction remains protected and remove any shoots that start to grow around it.

Also do not forget to provide the plant with sufficient light, water and nutrients. Before winter, make sure that the plant is well prepared for the cold, for example, cover it with special materials.

Buddling is a great way to propagate roses. Follow this simple instruction and you will get a healthy and beautiful rose replica of your favorite rose.

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Author: alex

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