How to propagate currant bushes by cuttings: action plan

Blackcurrant berries are delicious and sweet. The more bushes you have, the better. You can not buy new specimens, but propagate them yourself. Each bush is capable of bearing a crop for up to 15 years, if it is well cared for. If you have healthy bushes on your plot from which you can take cuttings, then you should do so.

How to make cuttings

It is recommended to use bushes that are no older than 10 years for cuttings. Strong, healthy, powerful. Cut several branches. For cuttings, take one-year-old branches. The length of the cutting should be 15-20 cm. Make the cut obliquely, located 1.5 cm above the bud.

Determine a place on the site where you will germinate the cuttings. It is temporary. There should be no cold drafts or stagnant water. Make a furrow 40-50 cm deep. Mix the soil you dug up with sand and humus in a ratio of 2 to 2. You can add a little ash to enhance root formation. Fill the furrow with this mixture.

Insert the cuttings at a 45-degree angle at a distance of 15 cm. Cover with the rest of the mixture and tamp it down a little. Water with water. The seedlings will take root and grow strong and healthy. It is recommended to take cuttings in the spring.

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Author: alex

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