How to properly apply saltpeter in the garden and in the garden

The most popular nitrogen fertilizer is ammonium nitrate. It improves soil fertility, increases crop yield. When and how to apply this effective fertilizer?


It should be noted that saltpeter is used in the garden, in the garden and even in flower beds. This fertilizer can be applied as a solution, or it can be spread or dug in. If it is a rainy season, you can simply sprinkle it near the plants, the water will dissolve it and the fertilizer will quickly pass through the soil. If rain is not expected, the granules should be diluted in water according to the instructions. In general, it is 25-30 g per 10 liters of water.

Since saltpeter is a very active fertilizer, it is not advisable to sprinkle it between trees and grass. Young grass will burn, and weeds will grow even better. It should be applied under the root.

Nitrogen quickly penetrates through the soil and is just as quickly washed out by water. Therefore, fertilizing with ammonium nitrate can be done several times per season. The latter – no later than 2-3 weeks before harvesting.

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Author: alex

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