How to properly cook cabbage for cabbage rolls, so that it is not oaky
It is one thing when the cabbage is young. It is completely different when you have to work with lying or winter. It is necessary to do everything possible at the stage of its preparation for twisting cabbage rolls. Hard cabbage will not add flavor to the dish, so it must be boiled.
Hard-tasting cabbage spoils cabbage rolls. It is recommended to choose small heads. They must be with whole and clean leaves. Remove the very top, because you won't need it.
Cut the head from the cabbage. Put a pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil. Add salt and put cabbage. Cook and check the readiness of its leaves.
Quite often people ask how long cabbage should be boiled. Focus on the cob that is cooking. When the leaves are soft enough to your liking, you can remove them and separate them. And it will take you 5 or 20 minutes – it depends on the cabbage. Do not forget to cut off the hard white parts that will interfere with twisting the cabbage rolls.
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