How to properly drink tea and coffee with honey

Probably even children know that the best anti-cold remedy is tea with honey. The bee product contains more than three hundred different vitamins and minerals useful for our body. Honey is able not only to cope with viruses, but also to strengthen immunity, to restore the work of the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems, which often feel a huge burden during flu and ARVI.

The first thing most of us do when we have a runny nose or cough is to pour a mug of hot tea, add honey and start treatment. But you can't do this – it's dangerous to heat honey. Such a drink can not only not help with the disease, but even harm your health. Therefore, before starting the fight against a cold in a similar way, it is worth understanding how it is done correctly.

Why you should not heat honey

Bee products have been used by mankind for thousands of years both simply for taste and for treatment. Honey contains vitamins A, C, E of group B, PP, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium. And this is far from a complete list of all substances found in this product. Moreover, their composition may vary depending on the time of nectar collection, place, and type of plants. There are other conditions that can affect the content of various substances in the final product. But it always remains useful for the human body and is able to cope with almost any cold disease.

Many will argue with the statement that you should not put honey in a hot drink, arguing that our ancestors did so a hundred years ago, and much earlier. But research by scientists revealed the fact that when honey is heated above 60 degrees, fructose begins to oxidize, turning into a carcinogen – oxymethylfurfural. As a result, there is a risk of malignant tumors. Thus, trying to get rid of a runny nose, cough or even support the body's strength in the fight against the flu, by starting to drink a hot drink with a bee product, there is a possibility of getting a much more serious disease.

Even if you question such a possibility, you should still not put honey in hot tea. At least for the reason that under the influence of boiling water, all the vitamins and microelements, of which there are many in this sweet, are simply destroyed.

It turns out that, hoping to drink a medicinal drink, you can at best make a sweet one. It will not be possible to cure any disease with such tea. For this purpose, you can add ordinary sugar. It is still not worth spending a valuable bee product on a useful sweet mixture.

Correct use of honey

If we take into account everything that happens to a valuable product under the influence of high temperatures, a single conclusion is reached. If you cannot put honey in hot drinks, let alone heat it, then this product should be consumed only in cold or warm form.

Lovers of sweet tea should add useful pleasure to a liquid whose temperature is not higher than 40 degrees or eat it as a snack with drinks. Only under this condition can you preserve all the useful composition of honey and get rid of an annoying cold. Besides, drinking tea at room temperature is even more pleasant than hot. There is no risk of burning the mucous membrane, and you can fully appreciate all the richness of the taste and aroma of tea with honey. But you can go the other way.

If it is impossible to give up a hot drink, and there is no desire to get a poisonous mixture, it is worth separating these two products. That is, you can drink tea “bite by bit” with honey. So the bee product will definitely not change its medicinal properties. And many note that this method of use is even better – tastier and more aromatic.

In addition, thanks to the small blood vessels located in the oral cavity, all the benefits of honey are instantly distributed throughout the body. It turns out that this way of using sweet medicines is even more useful than any other options.

If everything is clear about the fact that putting honey in hot drinks is harmful, then there is still a risk of buying a harmful product. This can happen if unscrupulous producers heated the thickened honey to pass it off as fresh harvest. Such honey may retain its taste, but it will definitely be of no use. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from the risk of buying a carcinogenic bee product, you should buy it only from proven, reliable beekeepers.

If there are none, and you have to go to a store or market to buy it, then you should definitely ask for a certificate on products. A responsible seller, who is confident in the quality of his product, will not refuse this request, and will even help in choosing the tastiest honey. And you can safely start treatment, or just drink tea with such useful pleasure.

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Author: alex

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