How to properly eat fruit during weight loss

Most often we try to avoid fruit during a diet because they contain a lot of sugar. However, it is not advisable to exclude fruits completely from your daily diet. Fruits are rich in vitamins and microelements that strengthen the immune system and also lift the mood.

If you are losing weight, try to eat fruits only in the first half of the day, about 2 hours before the main meal. You can safely add them to your breakfast – for example, make porridge, oat pancakes, natural yogurts and casseroles with the addition of fresh apples, peaches, mangoes. Fruits have the ability to perfectly saturate the body.

It is advisable to avoid any fruits in the evening, as they take a long time to be digested and absorbed by the body, and this can cause sudden weight gain, swelling and sleep disturbances.

It is very important to choose fruits correctly, because many manufacturers often treat them with diphenyl, which allows them to keep an attractive appearance for a long time and not spoil. Some also add pesticides, herbicides, nitrates to them – dangerous chemicals that harm our body. Prefer seasonal options, and read detailed information about the producer, and better buy from proven farm stores.


Kiwi is the most ideal option for those who are on a diet. Firstly, it contains a minimal amount of calories, only 61 kcal per 100 grams. It is also rich in vitamins C and E – natural antioxidants that perfectly cleanse the body of impurities and toxins. Kiwi also contains a rare enzyme – actinidin, which has a stimulating effect on the digestive system.

How to eat fruit properly while losing weight


Useful trace elements contained in pomegranate accelerate metabolism, and also improve the process of fat burning. Pomegranate contains a large amount of vitamin C, minerals, amino acids and fiber. Pomegranate grains can be eaten separately from other food, or added to various salads and healthy desserts. An alternative to whole grains will be fresh pomegranate juice.


This juicy summer fruit contains a lot of vitamin B1, which is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism, and thereby helps us get rid of extra pounds. The calorie content of pineapple is only 50 kcal per 100 g of fruit! At the same time, it contains practically no fats. By the way, pineapple contains the substance bromelain, which helps fight cellulite. And pineapple is able to prolong youth – it contains acids that stimulate the production of collagen, which is responsible for the youth of the skin.


This citrus fruit contains many enzymes that contribute to effective weight loss. It is very important if you have gastrointestinal problems not to consume grapefruit on an empty stomach, as it contains acids. If everything is fine with you, then sometimes you can make grapefruit days for yourself, and before each meal eat half of this citrus fruit – in this way, it will help to digest food better and faster and fight with excess fats.


It is not for nothing that bananas are called the perfect fitness snack, because they are much more useful and natural than various energy bars, and at the same time they are not so high in calories. 100 g of banana contains only 100 kcal, and although it contains enough carbohydrates (about 25 g), bananas do not contribute to weight gain. Scientists have also proven that a banana can fight muscle spasms, normalize blood pressure and reduce acidity in the body.

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Author: alex

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