How to properly plant an apple seedling in autumn
Autumn planting of apple seedlings is carried out according to a defined algorithm. Follow it so that everything turns out correctly and successfully. Autumn is the best season for the tree to adapt, take root and prepare for winter.
How to plant an apple tree properly
Start by soaking the seedling. Put it in a bucket of water for 10 hours. This will help the plant restore its water balance.
Prepare the planting site. There should be a pit of 70*70 cm, although the diameter can be even 1 m, so that there is more space for the root system.
Fertilizer should be added to the loosened soil, which will then be poured back into the pit. It is recommended to give preference to a complex mixture for the autumn period and for fruit trees.
Pour part of the prepared soil with fertilizer at the bottom of the pit. Also put a stick to which you will fix the seedling. Place the seedling, spreading the roots. Pay attention, the root neck should remain above the ground after digging the hole.
Water the seedling with water. Mulch it to conserve moisture. You can use sawdust or pine bark.
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