How to properly use eggshell in the garden
Only children know about the benefits of egg shells for plants. But gardeners have long known about the beneficial properties of this kitchen waste. That is why they scatter shells in the garden, hoping for a result. Here it should be said that in this form they are almost not useful for plants.
Unless they protect them from wolfworm, because for some reason they do not like these white pieces in their habitat. In order for the eggshell to really bring benefits, it is necessary to carry out certain “manipulations” with it.
The shells of 10-12 eggs should be placed in a liter jar, filled with 9% vinegar. Cover with a lid and leave for 2-3 days. After that, you will have calcium fertilizer that is easily absorbed by plants.
Of course, it is not necessary to pour it under the bush in any case. It is enough to dilute with water: only 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water and water the plants once every 10-14 days. Such feeding is especially useful for young plants and seedlings.
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