How to protect against dementia: the most harmful fish for brain health
Although fish is considered an important part of a healthy diet, some types have been found to contain elevated levels of mercury. Regular consumption of such fish can cause serious health problems, including dementia.
The WHO reports that people who eat certain types of shellfish and fish are mainly exposed to this element. “Mercury is a neurotoxin that has been found to be a potential cause of cognitive decline in people exposed to it, so it's possible that eating fish high in mercury could contribute to dementia,” explained Hussein Abde of Medicine Direct. .
A link between the consumption of mercury-rich fish and dementia has been confirmed by research. For example, in a scientific paper published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine, scientists analyzed the health of a man with Alzheimer's disease. It was found that he had a markedly elevated mercury content in his blood due to constant consumption of swordfish. Although mercury is known to affect cognitive dysfunction, the link between the compound and Alzheimer's disease is not fully understood. in supermarkets and restaurants, such as salmon or sardines. Therefore, these types of fish should not be excluded from the diet,” Abde added.
The doctor noted that fish with a high mercury content are, as a rule, marine predatory fish, including swordfish, shark and king mackerel (not to be confused with common mackerel, which is very nutritious). However, some freshwater fish also contain mercury, but in relatively small amounts.
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