How to protect plums from three types of pests that destroy the crop by 70%
Tasty and juicy plums still need to be grown, and until then, an almost unequal battle with pests must be waged. In this regard, a plum tree is difficult to grow. Pests do attack it. It's a shame to see beautiful plums, but damaged.
Three types of pests
Most often, plums are attacked by the fruit fly, the garden sawfly, and the flower-eating weevil. The latter settles in the buds and simply eats them. The middle is the tastiest for it, so the fruits will have nothing to set on. And the rest of the pests feast on plum fruits. The fruit fly can destroy almost the entire crop.
How to protect the tree
In the fall, you need to collect and burn all the fruits that have fallen from the tree. There are definitely already some of them. Leaves and debris under the tree should also be removed and burned.
During the period of treating the tree for fungal diseases, it is necessary to simultaneously treat it with fungicides. For this, “Aktellik”, “Horus” and “Skor” are used.
The treatments are carried out at the end of May. You need to wait until 75% of the flower petals fall off and the bees stop collecting nectar, then treat.
Until the leaves start to bloom on the trees, you can use belts with sticky glue that does not dry out. Wrap the trunk in 2-3 layers of bandages and soak it with this special garden glue. It needs to be renewed periodically. By the time the leaves start to bloom, pests will be caught on it.
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