How to protect seedlings from cats: the most effective methods
Cats' active interest in plants – indoor flowers is good familiar to the pet owner. Seedlings are no exception. Our pets can significantly spoil the future harvest.
This behavior is easy to explain. First of all, it is worth remembering that cats are extremely curious. Also, it may seem to the animal that the seedling has “taken” a wonderful place on the windowsill, which is a great vantage point.
How can you protect the seedling?
Essential oils< /p>
Cats are extremely negative towards any citrus fruits. However, spending fresh oranges and lemons to protect seedlings is not a cheap pleasure.
Therefore, we recommend using an aroma lamp with citrus essential oils near the seedlings.
This method cannot be called ideal, but in the complex it has the desired effect. You just need to add toothpicks to the pot with seedlings, thus forming a “fence”.
The cat will dislike such an obstacle and will decide to leave the seedlings alone.
Transparent protection
You can use special tools that are used in flower shops for packing plants. Such “protection” will be transparent, but the cat will not have physical access to the seedling.
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