How to protect the tomatoes from herbivores: July Tips
Today, everyone who planting tomatoes is talking about phytophthora. It is in the middle of summer that this fungus appears that brings a lot of annoyance to gardeners. It is difficult to fight, because spores of phytophtors can live anywhere: in soil, in the air, on the remains of plants, on work clothes and shoes, on inventory. Initially, the disease is manifested on the lower leaves of tomatoes, then on the stems, then on the fruits.
one of the main risk factors that tomatoes get sick, is the proximity of tomatoes to beds with potatoes, because it is potatoes that is a source of blight. Therefore, when you see that there are characteristic signs of the disease on the potatoes, bend the buds. This will not affect the potato harvest, because the clubs have already been formed and almost grown, but you will not bring contaminated potatoes into the cellar. Having mowed and burned the buds, spores will not impress the tomatoes.
also do not water the bushes of tomatoes. They are able to get the water from the soil themselves. Paste in time and remove yellowed leaves, especially those that get the earth. But if it happened, it is necessary to fight, it is better in folk ways:
- the infusion of garlic (1 tbsp. Garlic per 10 liters of water);
- whey or kefir in half of with water;
- a solution of milk with iodine (1 l of milk+15 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water).
Take the tips on – and the tomato season will please you!
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