How to quickly boil peas without soaking and using soda
peas are not popular Due to the fact that this product needs to be cooked for a long time or pre -soaked. However, there is a way that will make it much faster. The peas will be delicious and you do not have to use soda.
cook the broth (if it is soup) and immediately add the peas. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook the meat, depending on its variety until cooked. For example, chicken-20-30 minutes, pork-30-40 minutes, beef-1.5 hours.
after removing the foam into the pan add 3-5 tbsp. l. oils.
The fact is that the oil on the surface of the broth forms a film and plays the role faster. Butter. In this case, soup, porridge, and peas themselves will be filled with butter and have a pleasant taste.
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