How to recognize a manipulator and not succumb to provocations: simple tips
In psychological manipulation, one person is used for the benefit of another. This is an important difference from healthy communication. Manipulators can identify a person's weaknesses and use this for their own purposes. However, there are several ways to recognize a manipulator and not succumb to his provocation.
According to the information, such people have four common characteristics:
- They know how to identify your weaknesses.
- If manipulators detect them, they will use your weaknesses against you.
- They use cunning tricks to convince you to give up something about yourself to serve their interests.
- Once a manipulator has succeeded in taking advantage of you, he or she is likely to repeat their actions many times.
Experts recommend using several options to deal with a manipulator.
Remember your rights
When dealing with a manipulative person, the most important rule is to know your rights and understand when they are being violated. As long as you don't harm others, you can stand up for yourself. For example, it is important to remember that you have the right to respect yourself, the right to express your feelings, desires and thoughts, the right to set your own priorities and say “no”, the right to have an opinion different from others.
Keep your distance
One way to detect a manipulator is to see how a person interacts with different people and in different situations. Some manipulators are prone to extremes. They are often very polite to one person and rude to another. When you regularly observe this behavior, keep your distance from the person and avoid interacting with them unless absolutely necessary.
Avoid guilt
The goal of the manipulator is to find and exploit your weaknesses, so at some point you may feel inadequate or even blame yourself for not succumbing to the manipulation. The important thing to remember in these situations is that you are being manipulated to make you feel bad and more likely to give up your rights.
Use your time wisely
In addition to unreasonable requests, the manipulator will often expect an immediate response from you. At times like these, instead of immediately responding to the request, consider using the time to your advantage and distance yourself. You can simply say: “I'll think about it” and calmly assess the situation.
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