How to reduce health risks while watching TV, experts advised

Prolonged TV viewing may be associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism, including pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. Scientists came to this conclusion based on the analysis of three cohort studies, in which a total of 130,000 people participated.

Their work was published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The largest study examined pulmonary embolism. The participants were divided into those who watch TV for a long time and those who watch little TV. They were observed for 19 years. During this time, 964 people developed venous thromboembolism. At the same time, the probability of its occurrence was 1.35 times higher in people who watch TV for a long time.

Television viewing is a common attribute of a sedentary lifestyle that is associated with adverse health outcomes, including cardiovascular disease. Prolonged viewing of movies and television programs associated with immobilization (a strong risk factor) may increase the risk of venous thromboembolism by increasing the levels of such risk factors as body weight, arterial hypertension, blood plasma viscosity, and others. Another possible explanation for the increased risk could be unhealthy eating, such as snacking, which often accompanies watching TV programs, the publication emphasizes. clarify the exact relationship between this activity and the risk of blood clots. Conclusions are based on observations only. That is, they do not prove that long-term TV viewing directly causes blood clots.

This study cannot state how much time watching TV is “too much”. But it confirms that sitting for a long time without moving can cause health problems, experts from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) note.

Whether you are watching TV or working at the computer, it is recommended to get up often and take breaks. For example, when watching TV, it is advisable to get up and move every time there is a commercial break, the BHF advises. Or you can combine watching your favorite TV show with an exercise bike.

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Author: alex

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