How to regain faith in yourself – enough to be angry, it's time to act
< b>Tired of feeling like a loser at someone else's celebration of life? When everyone around you is achieving something, creating, changing destinies… and you are standing still and can't overcome the internal barrier?
This article will help you reassess your own resources and inspire you to make drastic changes. Enough sulking, complaining about failures in life, time to act!
Change your attitude towards work
If you think that inner happiness depends on earnings or social status, you are wrong. Recent studies have proven that 46% of a person's success depends on his realization in the profession. Or to be more precise, from inner satisfaction with the work to which she devotes most of her life. That's why you shouldn't live in a job that doesn't bring joy and seems useless. Either find your way, or change your attitude, looking for new interesting perspectives in your usual profession.
Set realistic goals
Even talented and successful people sometimes don't feel like they are because of excessive perfectionism. Objectively, a person jumps a hundred meters above his head. But for strange reasons, she remains dissatisfied with herself, constantly criticizes her achievements. Is it any wonder that the desire to move on disappears? To regain faith in yourself, be realistic and stop straining your soul with unattainable ideals. Geniuses are not born, just as lucky people can make mistakes. Failures in life are not a reason to give up on life and fall into pessimism. Be simpler, move lighter, enjoy what you have.
Focus on the solution, not the problem
If you constantly think about something unpleasant, scroll through dozens of problems in your head, it will not make it easier for you. On the contrary, you risk getting stuck in a pile of useless fears that will squeeze all your energy and deprive your soul of joy. This is not a call to ignore problems, rather, a request to think more flexibly, to think about possibilities and ways to solve the situation. What can you do right now to get better? Are there any options on how to lighten your burden, extract benefit from negativity, become more productive? Such a change in emphasis stimulates development and restores the strength to fight.
Give up social media
Nothing breaks your self-esteem more than comparing your life to the lives of celebrities on a daily basis. While we bend our backs at the factory, a 19-year-old boy drives a Mercedes and fills his page with luxurious photos. It depresses the psyche, devalues achievements, increases internal dissatisfaction and feelings of anxiety. Some little-known people surpass us in terms of beauty and richness of life, they have beautiful wives and smart children. It begins to seem to us that there are only failures in our lives. But how many such examples of absolute success do you see in reality? Stop imitating someone. Put the phone aside and devote time to yourself, your dreams, friends, loved ones. This will be more useful.
Look for like-minded people
Forced loneliness not only worsens the quality of life, but also causes depression. And heart disease comes with it. Not only do you lose nutritional support, but you also feel lonely and useless. And this is clearly not in your favor. That is why it is so important to look for like-minded people and maintain old friendly contacts. And also, at least sometimes, gather for a cup of tea with relatives. This approach increases the quality of life, self-confidence and success. After all, who, if not close people, will help you believe in your strength against all odds?
Plan your future
Do you know what you want to achieve in 5-8 years? See how optimistic your image is? Want to know how this relates to you failing in life right now? All this is important, because it affects our life today, coordinates our psychological state. If you live one day and are afraid to think beyond noon, this uncertainty will imperceptibly begin to eat you from the inside, sharpening self-esteem and self-confidence. Fear of the future, caused by a lack of plans and aspirations, depletes energy reserves. And it also suppresses motivation, makes a person an inveterate pessimist and cynic. So don't run away from the future, sit down and outline the goals you want to reach.
Turn on the “newbie mindset”
Do you know why newbies so quickly break through the checkers and overtake old experienced professionals? They are not afraid to go beyond comfort, take risks, break old established traditions. In addition, they are alive, constantly learning, raising their bar, improving their skills. Remember this useful property. Do not sit in one place, no matter how comfortable it is. Because that's how you stop developing and lose your grip. The less movement, the less new emotions and impressions, the closer old age and death. While slight discomfort helps to maintain tone, tickles the nerves and brings the taste back to life. And, of course, don't forget to be surprised!
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