How to “rejuvenate” cucumbers and continue fruiting

1. Additional Feeding.· Spraying Epin stimulant to strengthen the bud and stimulate growth. One ampoule is divorced in 5 liters of water obtained by a solution treated with a break of 2 weeks.

  • spraying with urea (15 g/10 l of water). The abundant treatment of whip is repeated with a break per week;
  • spraying with Andrianich fertilizer (30 g/10 l of water). The procedure is performed once;
  • Watering onion husk to strengthen the bud and protect the plant from disease.

2. Agrotechnics techniques:

  • Installation in the greenhouse of the heater so that the temperature above +15 0C;
  • is constantly maintained there;Mulching the holes with sawdust, peat, humus or cut grass;
  • decomposition of bottles with water at the edges of the beds. The heat accumulated during the day will heat the cucumbers;
  • timely harvesting. It is not necessary to leave cucumbers on the bush, otherwise it will start to accumulate seeds, and the formation of new fruits will stop;
  • moderate watering with warm water in the morning every other day, so that water does not stagnate water.

3. Rejuvenation of cucumbers.

The old leaves are removed, the main whip is rolled into the ring, gently losing it from the wallpaper.

5. Protection against diseases and pests.

In August, it is cool and powdery mildew can get in the beds. Therefore, the cucumbers should be watered only with warm water, preventing it from stagnation in the wells. The solution is done once a week every 2 weeks.

6. Revival of old whips. ways of stimulating shoots to form new roots:

  • cucumbers grown without support, leave to weave on the ground for free germination of roots; This will make the plant form new roots;
  • watering the growth of “Cornevin” (1 g of substance in 1 liter of water). Each shoot (stepson) should get at least 100 ml of solution.

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Author: alex

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