How to relieve eye tension while working on a computer


computer visual syndrome is a reaction of the human body to a long-term work for a long-term job for a computer. It is not attributed to the number of diseases, but it can cause unpleasant sensations in the eyes.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, people who work a lot at a computer experience a decrease in vision clarity, burning or tingling in the eyes, sensitivity to light, headaches, back and neck pain. Doctors have told you how to avoid these unpleasant symptoms. To reduce eye tension, the center of the monitor, tablet or phone should be 51-71 cm from the eyes and 10-12 cm below their level.The letters on the screen are not as clear as the letters on the printed page. Too weak the contrast between the letters and the background or glare on the screen force the eyes to strain more. As a result, sensitivity to light increases. Experts recommend installing the screen to avoid glare from the upper light or windows.When using a computer or smartphone, regular breaks should be taken for a long period of time. There is a rule 20-20-20 for this. Every 20 minutes look away from your computer and look at something at a distance of 20 feet (6-7 meters) for 20 seconds. This will give the eyes the opportunity to refocus.

more often blink

usually people blink about 18 times a minute, but computer users are usually less blurred. This increases the likelihood of developing dry eye syndrome. Therefore, keep in mind the frequency of blinking. In addition, using a laptop or phone at bedtime not only worsens the eye condition, but also interferes with sleep. The brain has no way to slow down, which complicates a full night rest. Therefore, it is recommended to gradually reduce the screen time before bedtime. In addition, ophthalmologist checks will help prevent the development of various diseases or detect them in the early stages.

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Author: alex

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