How to replace flour for making cheesecakes so that it is tasty
Many housewives know about the fact that it is difficult to make high-quality cheesecakes without flour. The product helps to achieve a uniform consistency, thanks to which the cheese dish keeps its shape and does not fall apart during frying. But flour has a number of disadvantages, due to which it is not desirable to introduce it into the composition of ingredients. In particular, the dish turns out to be not so tasty and tender, because the flour “clogs” the cheesecakes.
What can you replace it with?
This ingredient is on the shelf of every housewife. We are talking, of course, about semolina. Its taste is more pleasant, so semolina “fits” much better into the composition of cheese cakes.
For a standard portion of cheese, you should take several large spoons of groats. You can also safely use semolina for breading.
If for some reason you do not like semolina, then you should pay attention to rice flour.
If the dough for cheesecakes is too wet, this the component will quickly deal with the shortcoming. Cheesecakes on rice flour will also be very tasty and tender.
Other cooks choose corn flour. It perfectly copes with its immediate tasks and helps to give cheesecakes an appetizing color.
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