How to save gooseberry from powdery mildew without harming berries: gardeners' advice
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Any gardener can face the powdery mildew on the gooseberry while it is not possible to use chemicals without risk to berries. which have long been used in villages. The method is great if you only find signs of the disease. It is necessary to dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate in the bucket. The liquid should come out pink. This tool is processed every seven days until the ailment is receded. It is necessary to dissolve one aspirin tablet in half a bucket of warmed water, as well as to add some household soap and a spoon of soda. You can also try to use ash. Half a kilogram of the product should be sifted and sent to a bucket of water. Then you should wait 2 days. After that, you should start spraying the bush. Processing can be carried out once a week.
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