How to say “if necessary” in Ukrainian – explanation
If it is necessary to translate the Russian expression “in case of need” into Ukrainian, people can often say “necessities”. However, such a translation is erroneous, as is the literal reproduction of many other Russian phrases.
How to say “in case of need” in Ukrainian and other expressions
Today we will talk about the word “case”, which is often used in the wrong place. For example, the language cliché “in case of need” is a banal calque, that is, a literal translation of the Russian expression “в случае необходимость”. And the correct equivalent is “in case of need” or “for need,” the linguist noted.
Also, Oleksandr Avramenko gave several more examples of similar expressions, which in many cases people can say incorrectly. In particular:
- in Russian, the phrase sounds like “в олегком случаев” — in Ukrainian, it is correct to say “зделюшого” or “переважно”;
- in Russian, the expression “ни в коем случае” — is translated as “у иконному разы”;
- the Russian phrase “от случае к случаю” — in Ukrainian, it is correct to say “коли-неколи”, “вряды годи”.
So, remember the clichés in which the word “case” is superfluous. Finally, I will just add — let's study the language that our ancestors passed on to us, — he summarized.
Let's recall that Oleksandr Avramenko also explained how to correctly translate the phrase “по умолчаев” into Ukrainian. Since the option “за умолчаев” is an expression of Russian calque.
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