How to sleep all night without waking up: expert advice

To sleep soundly without awakenings, experts advised to stick to the schedule and avoid bed rest during the day. It is also not recommended to indulge in smartphones and caffeine before bed.

Journalists of the Express publication spoke with experts on this topic. So, according to the latest research by the private London laboratory Thriva, only 29 percent of Britons wake up feeling refreshed. It is noted that ordinary habits can help to change this indicator.

5 tips for sound sleep

Maintain a regular sleep schedule

Waking up and going to bed at the same time every day is essential to maintaining your body's sleep clock.

Dr Roshan Mohidin, general practitioner and behavioral change specialist at Vitality, said: 'Many people are working from home, so they've lost the habit of commuting every day and this can mean there's more temptation to stay in bed.

But the doctor insists that maintaining a regular routine is necessary to “synchronize the body’s sleep patterns.”

When this is disrupted, it can be harder for your body to know when you want to go to sleep, and so the quality of your sleep will inevitably decrease.

Avoid lying down (even on weekends)

You may be tempted to lie down during your free time, but sleep expert Stephanie Romieszewski warns that this only perpetuates bad sleep cycles and can lead to insomnia.

“When we're lying down, it's hard for our brains to know when we're feeling sleepiness because it knows you slept 'extra' even if you went to bed later and didn't get enough sleep,” she added.

Cut down on screen time before bed

Many have a habit of watching videos on YouTube or social media in bed when they are awake. However, it will seriously prevent you from falling asleep. Avoid this temptation, keep your phone, tablet and laptop out of the bedroom, advises Go Wild consultant Daniel Perez Vidal.

Make sure you sleep in the right position

Many of us turn around trying to find the best position to doze off. Narwan Amini, a sleep expert at the blog Each Night, noted that for the average person, side sleeping is generally considered the healthiest sleeping position. But he added that sleeping on the stomach is the worst position. This pose can lead to many problems such as muscle and joint tension, stiffness, back and neck pain.

Avoid Certain Beverages

Cup tea helps you relax, but it contains a lot of caffeine, which can disrupt your sleep.

If you can't live without this drink, try a decaffeinated version or opt for herbal options like chamomile.

Drinking alcohol can also seriously disrupt your sleep. Try not to use it in the evening to get a good night's sleep.

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Author: alex

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