How to sleep properly: 5 important things that are in vain ignored


fall asleep and sleep, wake up. They may well become a reality if you know simple rules.

quality sleep is very important for human health. If there is a deficiency, there are problems with concentration, mood swings, heaviness in the head and weakness in the muscles, depressed general mental state. And this is just the tip of the iceberg! With prolonged default, there are serious problems with a number of organs.

to prevent devastating effects, learn to get enough sleep. This will help you with simple tips:

gadgets on the shelf

Social networks, checking mail, reading a ribbon, toys on a smartphone – all this seems at first glance innocent things, but our brain does not think so. Many scientists have proven the detrimental effects of computers and gadgets. For example, experts of the National Snuz (USA) found that light from modern technology sends signals to the human brain that do not allow him to go into sleep. Scientists recommend refusing to watch TV, the use of a smartphone or tablet at least 30 minutes before bedtime. The fact is that in the absence of lighting, melatonin is produced, which helps a person to sleep properly and relax well, and to recover the body. But if there are no darkness, the problems you feel on yourself. In addition, scientists have proven that in the bedroom from time to time it is worthwhile. It is unknown, but it also has a beneficial effect on sleep.

an important ritual

When a person is small, a number of rituals pass before bed. It bathe, give milk, read a book, kiss at night. And all this helps the baby fall asleep. But when we grow older, we lose old rituals, and we do not start new ones, and it turns out to be important! Experts advise to prepare for sleep. Visit the bathroom, read a little book, go yoga. The rituals will also come up with the preparation of clothing the next day or talking with loved ones. The most important thing is to make the same night and teach the brain. This will help him prepare for sleep in advance. Unfortunately, people are used to saving and often do not change things until they become completely unsuitable. It is a fantastic 20 years to sleep on one mattress and try to sleep. It is necessary to change the mattress at least every ten years, optimally – in seven.

In addition, very cheap modern mattresses do not do good. And, meanwhile, scientists from Harvard have found that adults are suitable for medium thickness and rigidity for adults. However, you need to choose mattresses still focusing on your own feelings. In addition, if you are prevented from sleeping light or noise, then use a mask for sleeping and bursti. In the morning you will appreciate how well you feel. You have finally got some sleep!

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Author: alex

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